While you're likely used to hearing "print is dead," traditional marketing efforts have not gone bust. Leaflets and Flyersĭigital advertising campaigns are expensive, and while significant eCommerce businesses might have the capital to invest in them, many smaller companies do not. Here are some of the main ways eCommerce companies can put QR codes to good use.
For example, you could put a QR code on a bottle of hair product, and it will connect to a how-to video.

QR codes are most effective when used in print format as a means of linking consumers to a digital platform.
How to Use QR Codes to Improve Your Customer Experience Plus, the entire customer journey can be integrated and mapped by Google Analytics. total scans, location by city and country, time scanned, and operating device used.

Dynamic QR codes can be edited and updated at any time, and tracking includes metrics such as unique vs. Keep in mind that static codes can be customized, but cannot be changed once printed. You can test several dynamic QR code campaigns over different periods and locations, or even for other products. QR codes also offer businesses the ability to track exact conversion rates generated from specific campaigns. When implemented correctly, QR codes are an inexpensive way to deliver an improved customer experience and boost sales. They also require little to no monetary investment.
Both Android and iOS phones can scan a QR code using only the phone's camera app. They're easy for consumers to use, as scanning a QR code doesn't require an app on most mobile devices. They can potentially revolutionize the way we shop, ultimately making the processes more convenient for retailers and consumers alike.

These codes are the future of all online industries, and this includes eCommerce. In fact, if you want to get ahead of the competition, you should actively be using QR codes in your social media marketing campaigns. Pretty soon, all brands will be using QR codes you need to be prepared for when that happens. Why Add QR Codes to Your eCommerce Marketing Mix? Their complexity allows them to link to data such as videos, website pages, and social media platforms and has enabled their use across industries all over the world. Compared to the 30 numbers stored by 1D (standard) barcodes, QR codes can hold up to 7,089 numbers. QR codes are popular in south-east Asia and Japan as a more complex version of the traditional barcode. When scanned with a smartphone, QR codes can be linked to just about anything -including websites, information pages, phone numbers, and multiple other functions. QR stands for "quick response." QR codes are 2D images that consist of lines and dots read by smartphones and other devices. Keep reading for a guide to using these codes and for a list of the best QR code generators for eCommerce. While they've been around for decades, QR codes have gotten a new lease on life, and businesses are taking notice. We keep them handy in all situations, which is why QR codes are rapidly becoming an essential tool in the eCommerce business. We check smartphones over 2,000 times a day. Globally, there are 2.87 billion smartphone users, and the number continues to grow- 100 million of them have just started using a smartphone in the past year.